Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Webcams around the
Hohe Tauern National Park

Selected webcams from the Hohe Tauern National Park region offer you a daily insight into the Hohe Tauern National Park.

At the moment you can enjoy views oft he Grossglockner, the Grossvenediger, the Schobergruppe and from an to the Sonnblick.

Webcams Carinthia

Webcam Freiwandeck

The camera is located on the Freiwandeck at 2,755 m above sea level. The view tot he west shows the Grossglockner and the Pasterze (glacier).

Webcam Feldkopf/Wangenitztal

The camera is located on the 2,717 m high Feldkopf in the Schobergruppe, west of the Wangenitzseehütte (Wangenitz lake hut). View over the Wangenitzsee to the east.

Webcam Sonnblick

The camera is located on the southeast ridge between the summit of the Hohe Sonnblick and the Rojacherhütte at 2,932m above sea level. The view shows to the southeast to the Goldbergkees.

Webcams Salzburg

Webcam Kolm Saigurn

The Kamara is located at the - Naturfreundehaus Kolm-Saigurn and looks south up to the Sonnblick Observatory.


The camera is located on the rock ridge between the Goldbergspitze and the Red Man at 2,970m above sea level, the view points to the northeast.


Webcams East Tyrol

Webcam Alte Prager Hütte - Großvenediger area south

The national park's own weather station with webcam near the Alte Prager Hütte (Old Prager hut) provides live insights several times a day into the glacier world of the Hohe Tauern National Park and into the Großvenediger, including the weather station - current temperature data.

Webcam Großglockner – Kalser Glocknerwinkel 
Stationed in the Kalser Ködnitztal this cam offers a panoramic view.

Webcam Venediger area – „Muhs Cam“

National park history -

the formation of the Alps



The Tauern Window is an unusual geological feature:

You can view an exciting journey through the millennia of Earth's history.


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